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Internet entrepreneurship opportunities under the crisis
Source: | Author:leather-100 | Published time: 2015-04-01 | 113 Views | Share:

Many people have never been as disappointed as this year, because they were inexplicably defeated in a battle related to their livelihoods - they were dismissed; Many people have never been as confused as this year, because they are running around the major battlefields with great confidence, but cannot find opportunities to showcase their skills. This war is about employment, about rice bowls, and about dignity.

Under the crisis, the severe employment situation

Nowadays, facing the approaching Black July of 2009 and a large number of inexperienced college students about to enter society, the already tense employment situation has become even more severe. Even some college students are willing to kneel down to the head of the recruiting unit in order to find employment. In this situation, the country urgently introduced a four trillion yuan market rescue plan, aiming to stabilize public sentiment, stimulate domestic demand, and create more employment opportunities for more people. At the same time, local governments at all levels have also cooperated with the central market rescue plan to introduce various corresponding policies to help the unemployed and college students find employment.

According to the author's observation, the core of employment policies in various regions is to guide entrepreneurship. As the largest labor export province in China, Sichuan has not only developed emerging public welfare positions and increased investment to promote employment, but also improved the entrepreneurial environment, supported independent entrepreneurship, established and improved policy support, entrepreneurial services, entrepreneurial training, and other related support mechanisms to ensure the success of guiding entrepreneurship. Hunan, which is also a major labor export province, has also introduced relevant supporting measures to support entrepreneurship, providing small guaranteed loans for entrepreneurs, reducing related fees, and so on. It can be said that in 2009, when the country vigorously rescued the market and stimulated domestic demand, crises and opportunities coexisted equally.

There is an ancient Chinese saying that goes' heroes emerge in troubled times', which is not without reason. Crisis is a great opportunity, the key is still how to seize the opportunity. Because if we can seize the opportunity, we can take advantage of the situation and become heroes, creating great achievements. If you miss a good opportunity, you may regret it for life. Of course, entrepreneurship is not that simple. Men are afraid of entering the wrong industry, while women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. If you start a business blindly, it will be difficult to succeed. So, entrepreneurs should first learn to assess the situation and choose the right opportunities for entrepreneurship.

E-commerce, Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Crisis

Although we have seen the beacon of hope and the direction it has pointed us in, how should we follow the light? For many people, maybe they are not familiar with the Internet and e-commerce. Therefore, many people believe that this opportunity is not for me. This statement may sound reasonable to me, but upon closer reflection, we can see that 'opportunities' are not specifically designed for one person, but for those who are willing and willing to seize and create opportunities.

Taking the ancient Three Kingdoms period as an example, the reason why Liu Bei was able to form a tripartite alliance with Cao Cao and Sun Quan was not because opportunities came to him, but because Liu Bei dared to seize and create opportunities. Through the three alliances in Taoyuan, the three visits to thatched cottages, the resistance against Cao Wu, and the skillful borrowing of Jingzhou, he rose from a humble shoemaker who could not reach the world and had no strength to tie a chicken to a local lord. Analyzing Liu Bei's success, that is, being good at deceiving others, that is, being able to rely on the help of others. Those who achieve great things must be both good at management and able to use external forces to take advantage of the situation.

Just like Li Ka shing became the richest man in Asia not because he is the smartest person in Asia, but because he is the one who is better at managing and borrowing external forces throughout Asia. Similarly, for more entrepreneurs, if they can achieve these two points, they will be able to ride the wave of entrepreneurship and rise to the occasion.

Now, take Ma Yun, the leader of e-commerce in China, for example. His career as a college English teacher at the beginning of his career and Internet e-commerce were not successful at all, but it was this seemingly unrelated business experience that encouraged Ma Yun to practice his fluent foreign language communication skills and stable character, and became his chip in the future in the negotiation and financing with Yahoo and the listing of Alibaba. Perhaps to this day, what people may not have imagined is that Jack Ma only knows simple computer operations and is not familiar with the relevant technologies of e-commerce. However, it is precisely this person who is not familiar with computer technology that has created the e-commerce empires Alibaba and Taobao that have attracted worldwide attention.

It should be noted that at the beginning of the last century, e-commerce in China was a blank slate. It not only had to face the situation of lacking technology and talent, but also ultimately built a larger e-commerce empire among Chinese people today. It must be said that this is a miracle. Compared to the past, building an e-commerce website has become increasingly simple.

Nowadays, many individual entrepreneurs who want to establish e-commerce websites generally choose providers with years of experience in e-commerce solution research and support services as a prerequisite. So, as a major professional e-commerce solution provider in China, "Shanghai Shangpai" launched ShopEx products, which naturally became * *. After all, it has a reputation of more than 150 upstream and downstream partners and more than 400000 individual online business users for their successful experience, and it can make it easy for those who do not know programming and development to build a complete set of powerful technologies for e-commerce websites that are perfect and easy to use, so that a large number of entrepreneurial people who are interested in engaging in Internet e-commerce platforms can quickly get started and open the door to their dreams.

